


2024 Confirmation Date:  Sunday, May 5th @ 10:30 a.m.

6th 7th 8th Grade Confirmation Schedule 2024-2025

Confirmation Expectations 2023-2024    

Acolyte Schedule Sept 2024-May 2025

Sermon Note Form

Sermon Note Count/Progress

Faith Statement Guidelines 2024

Luther Park Bible Camp~   

A week of confirmation camp is required at least one of the three years for confirmation. Thank you to everyone for their support of this requirement, when it comes to growing in faith, where youth begin to claim their faith in Jesus as their own.

Luther Park modified which grades are allowed in the camp sessions so this summer students can choose which week works best for him/her. Grades 6 & 7 will register for either “Pathfinders” or “Upper Trading Spaces” and the 8th grade can choose between the 7 camps available for their grade. Please see attached brochure for camp descriptions.

We ask the family to pay the initial $175 registration fee. The total cost of camp is $450-$475 but the congregation has generously supported youth going to camp through the breakfasts, the Chicken Dinner, and the Central Lutheran Church Women, such that, after the registration fee is paid by the family, the remaining cost of camp is covered by the congregation. It’s a great deal and your congregation helps make this very affordable.

Camps fill up quickly – be sure to register as soon as possible. Luther Park has asked for registrations to be completed online. Please register at The health and waiver forms will be found there as well. Please call the office for the online discount code.

Please note that no child will be prevented from going to camp for financial reasons. Please contact the office if you need assistance. Campership funds based on need are available from Central and Luther Park Bible Camp.

If you have any questions, please call the office, or drop an email to:, Noelle in the office will facilitate registrations.


**With Luther Park’s changes and price increases, there may be some revisions to the camp requirements in 2025. We will hopefully welcome a new Pastor soon who will help decide the best course going forward.