Online Giving

To give via Paypal click the "Give Online" box to the right.

To give a one time or reoccurring gifts via Vanco online scan the QR code to the right or use the below.   (Scroll all the way down to see different funds              Raise the Roof Campaign, VBS, Confirmation, etc. and the instructions to give by text.)            

*To donate via Vanco Mobile App - download the "Vanco Mobile Faith Engagement" app from your app store, search for Central Lutheran Church in Mondovi and follow directions.

*Giving by Text – Here’s How:

  1. Central’s “Giving by Text” number is 833-894-8596.
  2. For example: text “25”. This is your gift amount - $25. To give towards Sunday School, enter amount, space and SS.
  3. The first time you will immediately get a link to add the info for your debit or credit card.
  4. Next time you text to Central’s “Giving by Text” number you enter amount (and code if giving to other than operational).